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How to Tell If Your PicoWay Provider Is Using an Authentic PicoWay Device: A Consumer's Guide

Written by IVONNE | Dec 16, 2022 12:15:00 AM

PicoWay is a popular laser treatment that is used for a variety of skin conditions, including wrinkles, pigmentation, and tattoos. However, counterfeit or unlicensed PicoWay devices can be dangerous and may not produce the desired results.

Here are some tips to help you determine whether your PicoWay provider is using an authentic PicoWay device:

  1. Ask about the manufacturer: PicoWay is manufactured by Syneron-Candela, a leading provider of medical aesthetic devices. Make sure to ask your PicoWay provider about the manufacturer of their PicoWay device, and verify that it is manufactured by Syneron-Candela. This is an important step, as counterfeit PicoWay devices may be manufactured by unknown or unreliable companies that do not have the same standards of quality and safety as Syneron-Candela.

  2. Look for certification: PicoWay devices are certified by various regulatory bodies, including Health Canada, the FDA and the CE. Ask your PicoWay provider about the certifications of their PicoWay device, and verify that it has been properly tested and approved for use. This is important, as PicoWay devices must meet certain standards of safety and effectiveness in order to be certified by regulatory bodies. Using an unlicensed or uncertified PicoWay device can put your health and well-being at risk.

  3. Verify the serial number: PicoWay devices have unique serial numbers that can be verified by the manufacturer. If you are unsure about the authenticity of your PicoWay provider's device, you can ask them for the serial number and verify it with Syneron-Candela. This can provide additional assurance that the PicoWay device is authentic and has not been tampered with or altered in any way.

  4. Check the warranty: PicoWay devices come with a warranty from the manufacturer. Ask your PicoWay provider about the warranty of their device, and verify that it is valid. This can provide additional assurance that the PicoWay device is authentic and has not been tampered with or altered in any way. If the PicoWay provider cannot provide a valid warranty for their device, it may be a sign that it is counterfeit.

  1. Consider the price: Counterfeit PicoWay devices may be used by providers who offer PicoWay treatments at a significantly lower price than other providers. If the PicoWay provider you are considering offers treatments at a price that seems too good to be true, it may be a sign that they are using a counterfeit PicoWay device. While it is understandable to want to save money on medical treatments, it is important to remember that your health and safety should always be your top priority. Using a counterfeit PicoWay device can put your health at risk, and it can also result in disappointing or ineffective results.
  2. Search your potential provider's name in the Candela database found on their website.

In addition to these tips, you can also do your own research to learn more about the PicoWay provider you are considering. Check their website and social media channels to see if they provide information about the PicoWay device they use, and verify that the information they provide matches what you have learned from other sources. You can also read reviews and testimonials from other customers to get an idea of their experiences with the PicoWay provider and their PicoWay device.

If you are still unsure about the authenticity of the PicoWay device your provider is using, it is best to consult with a medical professional or a PicoWay expert. They can provide additional information and guidance to help you make an informed decision.

In conclusion, it is important to ensure that your PicoWay provider is using an authentic PicoWay device. By following the tips outlined above, you can help ensure that the PicoWay treatment you receive is safe and effective. Remember, your health and well-being should always be your top priority, and using an authentic PicoWay device can help protect your health and ensure that you get the best possible results from your PicoWay treatment.